Friday, December 5, 2008

Last Movie I Saw...

Today we learned about making legends and other useful things pertaining to our ARC GIS maps. I look forward to finishing my map ASAP, and utilizing this wonderful program for years to come.

I have no questions.

The last movie I saw was WALLE! WaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllEeeeeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

GPS and the hardest things soming up...

We had fun with a GPS reciever. I learned about how GPS works and all the interesting related showblah.

I will need help with the Illistrator Poster. Plus Is it due at Midnight? and When will I get my 1st Draft back so I can make my powerpoint.

The Hardest thing I have to do the next 2 weeks is actually this friday. I have a Chem 106 Test, Calculus Test, Chem 107 Quantitative exam, all of my mastering Chemistry homework due, poster due, powerpoint presentation due, calc homework due, and a wife to take on a date. This is a CRAZY week.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Favorite Internet Site

Today I continued to learn about polygons in ArgGIS and how to properly label each separate units. The program seems to advanced for what it does.

No questions

I think my favorite internet site is Gmail. It isn't because it's the coolest internet site around, but it is the one I use most often and therefore is my favorite. Go GMAIL!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving Plans

Today, I got the first opportunity to see how arc map can create 3d environments. Besides tracing my mylar scan, I was able to download a topographic data map and create a virtual world, JUST LIKE A VIDEO GAME! WOW! It was good to peek into the advanced technology involved in 3d environment creation.

I have no questions in my mind at this moment of time in space.

My Vacation is almost here! just hours away I can relax and enjoy the thanksgiving break. Sadly enough though, when I return the following monday, I will have an enormous amount of work due in calculus, geology 230, minerology, and chemistry. So really this vacation has a false name, it's not a vacation if we have to do work, its a slave period. Actually I have no idea what I'm talking about, so I'll just say that for thanksgiving I will not take a vacation, but after our small road trip, I will work, and be studious as an A+ geek.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I learned about Arc GIS and how to trace lines on my mylar tracing. I cant stand this program, It is so NOT user-friendly. I hope to master it soon. I better study for the test its coming up really fast!

No Questions

I start listening to Christmas Music right after haloween. I like to get in the X-mas spirit 2 months ahead of time. I LOVE CHRISTMAS

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Nice Book

Today I learned how to georeference a mylar traced picture to an actual sattelite image. Awesome. But one thing, the program is terrible

Question: How do I reference the 2 points I clicked once on my scanned image, but the when I clicked on the sattelite image my point doesn't associate itself with the first point. CONFUSING

I have not read a good book in so long, that I dont even remember what that last book I read was. sorry. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday's Notes

I learned all about ARC GIS. Arc GIS Geographic Information Systemis awesome, I can find information about maps at "" or "". I should use arc catalog for easy access and in my tools menu, I learned I can find Coordinatin points ( Lat long +xy ). Also i learned about Pyramids, to improve Performance. Mylar sheets are nice to draw on, (on the blunt side).

I have no questions.

My favorite place to eat is Bangkok Grill by state street. It is the most delicious scrumptious and outrageously delicious thai restaurant in the world!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Powerpoint Notes

Powerpoint is really cool, I learned about how I could see all open projects at the same time,

I have no questions

TERRIBLE LOUD SOUNDS, Not Centered, Corny Clip Art, Bad English, Misspelling, Titles are not Consistent, Theme is different, I cant CRITIQUE Im laughing so hard!!!!, Pictures are terrible, I have not idea what he is talking about, pictures overlap, huge text graphics are terrible, is this talking about strollers or something? sounds not consistent, I cant even read the text, ADAM THIS IS HORRRRIBBLE, Triple Y? what Ending is rediculous


Monday, November 10, 2008

Favorite Class So Far.

Today, Illistrator proved most useful when learning how I can adjust canvas size while I have it open to a set width and height. It will be interesting how my poster turns out. Many details are required for a poster to really pop out at you.

I have no questions

My favorite Class so far was Chemistry in High School with Mr. Page. He allways seemed to blow stuff up and put holes in the wall ect. This was back when I enjoyed Chemistry, now that I am in CHEM 106 I dislike it greatly. WE love Blowing things up!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Places where I have Lived

Today I thought the coolest thing was learning about mirroring an image.  Holding alt and clicking a second time makes a copy of whatever image you are seeking to mirror.  I made an ant, shrunk it mirrored, it, copied, it and after replicating it 8 or so times, It looked like I had an entire colony marching down my screen with like 275 ants.

I have no questions.

This is a detailed list of where I have lived.
  • BIRTH, 10 yrs childhood, SALT LAKE CITY
  • 10 - 19 years old, Saint George UT.
  • 19 - 19 Peru
  • 19 - 20 Provo UT
  • 20 - 22 Atlanta Georgia, serving in Gainesville, Conyers, Athens, Lawrenceville, and Roswell
  • Back to Saint George
  • 23 Provo UT and Got Married
  • Summer 08 Tampa Florida for 2 weeks
  • Back to Provo till present.  (we also visited Thailand)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yes on Prop 8!

This is for Monday's Post. It was cool to learn about the pen tool, and how intersecting lines can be divided into separate blocks. Also the eyedropper tool was of interest, because I never realized how incredibly useful it can be.

I have no questions

I hope Proposition 8 Passes. The scriptures state that when the MAJORITY of the people choose wickedness, then are they ripening for destruction. I can see this evident in California. I think it is amazing how close the vote really is. If we were living in a more righteous society, the vote would be in the 98% yes on 8 and 2% no range. This vote is clear that almost the majority of people are choosing legalized gay marriage. if this is passed, then we are just one more step down the moral ladder.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Today, I call to your attention that Nicole personally updated me on what we covered in Illistrator. I learned all about how to "crystallize" and "bloat" lines. Some of the Tools in Illistrator are amazing! I know how to create stratigraphic columns. Its cool that I can draw a box, draw lines through the box and have illustrator automatically partition the box into it's seperate layers so I can fill them with sedimentary patterns. Cool Cool Stuff! I have no Question's

Today my plans are to watch "THE INCREDIBLE HULK" with my wife Michelle. I did so and THE MOVIE WAS SO AWESOME! We chowed down on candy as we watched the superpowered steriod HULK smash cars, destroy blazing Humvees, and take on THE ABOMINATION! WHAAA HAA HAA! Soo cool! Also the coolest of all, is at the end "TONY STARK" walks in to talk to the disheartened general. so is IRONMAN going against the HULK in the next movie?!?! I can't wait for what Marvel Comics comes out with next. We'll our Halloween was so so awesome, and I dressed all up like the Hulk and ran around Campus acting like a Gorilla Freak Ape! HULK SMASH!!!! HAHAHAHA

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Favorite Haloween Costume!

I liked learning about the Group tool in Illistrator. It is convenient and useful for quick illustration of graphics. Also I liked the relationship between how clips that are not in the folder can be embedded into the same folder so nothing goes offline. I learned much about the following: Layers Pallet, Place and imbedd an image, Make an image transparent Locate an object, Dublicate using select and alt, aligh and distribute pallet, and exporting.

I have no Questions

This is By far my favorite Costume Ever! I had aluminum dryer coils around my arms and legs and I was fitted inside a hot and sweaty box. I Loved that Halloween! It was I believe 3rd Grade

Monday, October 27, 2008

Yes on 8

Today my ahh haaa moment was when I Learned about the line tools and how I can manipulate, scale and rotate them ect...Photoshop is for photos, but illistrator is for the more artistic type I feel. Just learning about how similar the programs are is also intriquing to me.

I have my extra Credit Panorama. I am emailing it to you. I hope to get FULL POINTS for 2 hours of good effort.

What do I want to know about my future? I want to know what kind of society my children and grandchildren will be raised in. I want to know just how bad society will be by then. If I knew I could make an active effort throughout my life in preventing it come to pass. One such thing that will throw our society into the garbage can (morally speaking) is if Proposition 8 on Gay Marriage is not passed. Look at the Photo below.

Friday, October 24, 2008


My favorite tool I learned about was the AUTOMERGE tool! oh my heck this is so so useful, I loved learning about this, I have no questions and when I was a kid I had a graveyard superstition. My friend and I held our breath when we crossed the graveyard on the bus. one day I poked him and he blew snot all in his hands!

Here is the Assignment #8 with before and after photos

Tool’s Used - Clone Tool (missing backpack, missing person – see photo comparisons), MANUAL photo merge process took the following: Transform tool, crop tool, warp tool, eraser tool, burn tool, dodge tool. Opacity adjustments ect. I adjusted levels, by using the adjustment>layers pallet. I got rid of the hazy look.

Here is also Friday's Mini Assignment. I after manual merging, I used several tools to replace the sky, including transform tool, eraser, marquee tool, selection tool, move tool, and level adjustment tools. It looks much different from the original 2 photos. See for yourself!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Have allways wanted to Merge Photos Together! This was by far the coolest thing I learned today. How I can use the Eraser tool with a low opacity to erase an overlying layer to blend sharp lines out of the picture. I learned warp, transform, level tools ect, help in aligning my images side by side - to match. I love learning about photoshop, It's so so awesome

I have no questions

I am not a major sports fan, I have gone to several football games here and there but I prefer watching sports that I have personally been involved in such as swimming, triathlons, track, cross country and marathoning. ect. These are the sports that I am passionate about.

Below is Wednesday's Mini Assignment. The photo on top is the refined image, while the original is below. I used the Crop tool, rotating canvas tool, burn tool, dodge tool, sharpen filter, and adjusted the levels using layer>adjustments>levels option and selecting the eyedroppers respectivly. Looks better huh? Awesome. In this photo is my wife and two of her friends about 12 years ago. Shes on the Left!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Favorite Fall Activity

Today the coolest thing I learned was the burn and dodge tools. Just by the stroke of one of these tools, I can make suble and realistic changes in any photograph or scanned image with the click of a mouse. I also found interesting the paint bucket tool can actually get rid of unwanted noise in a scanned picture, by increasing tolerance.

I have no questions.

My favorite fall activity used to be raking leaves with my dad. Of course this was a long time ago when I did so, but It was enjoyable raking a big leaf pile and being thrown in!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rotation, Cropping, Color Correction. Friday Mini-Assignment

Today I learned how to make awesome changes to text. I learned how to make shapes and apply a variety of tools for use in creating stunning text visuals. The above picture is modified from photoshop. The day was cloudy and modifying that color scheme looks unnatural, but I did lower the brightness and modified saturation values. I also fixed the horizon by rotating the canvas, and Cropping it. All tools for this assignment were used in the modification of the above picture.

I have no questions, and thank Nicole for a well written concise test. :)

My favorite Date was clearly the time I took Michelle Ice skating. We had just met me, and decided to dump her previous date so she could go with me. It was our first date, and we held hands. LOOK WHAT IT LED TO!!! She's now my wife, and were going to be Parents! Whoo Hoo!

Here is the Original copy of the modified photo. :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Photoshop Rules!!!

AAAAAHH ITS THE OVERGROWN PUMPKIN MONSTER!!!! Photoshop is the coolest program ever! This is simply a pic I edited to show contrasting colors. The tools I used were the quick select tool, transform tool, and manipulating holding shift. (I think this is a pretty cool pumpkin! But hey, the coolest thing I learned today is rotating canvas, selecting closely related colors with the magic wand tool and quick select tool.

I will do Friday's assignment using these tools. Hey Jeff DIIIIIIIIE! haha. No questions

My worst injury happened at Snowbird ski resort. I broke my leg skiing down the moguls when I was like 10 years old. The worst part about the break is not that it hurt like heck, but that my injury canceled my families trip to Hawaii. But we eventually made it out there :)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Favorite Season

I love Photoshop! The best thing I learned today is just how similar the key commands are to final cut pro. If you hold Shift it keeps the aspect ratio the same just like in FCP, and Control T ect was also informative. My favorite tools of all time in photoshop are the magnetic lasso tool and the clone stamper!

I have no questions.

My favorite season is definately the Fall time of the year. The colors are beautiful, the temperature is perfect, and my wife loves to go on little hiking trips with me to see the leaves. This Pic is on the back of Mount Timpanogos. Beautiful!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pet Story

Today, my Ahh Haa moment occurred while the review was taking place. I was exploring Excel and seeing how I can manipulate my different axis, when finally I understood how! WOW!

I have no questions

My favorite pet story was with Teddy, our famous Labradoodle Dog in St. George. THAT DOG HAS SO MUCH ENERGY!!! It is really fun to run around the house with him cause he would chase you, and then he would run away when we tried to chase him. There was one time that Teddy was flying MACH 2 down the hallway and I jumped out at him from behind the corner and BAAM! Teddy hit the wall. He is actually kinda blind cause there is so much hair in front of his eyes. :) THIS DOG IS THE COOLEST DOG EVER!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Most exciting adventure!! THE TRENCH!

Today's Ahh Haa moment was clearly when I learned how Excel Graphs are made and how the coordinating axiz are both summed or averaged as well as how data plots can be changed or modified.

Does my graph (due Friday) have to include actual data points found in my references?

If I had unlimited money, the highest most exciting adventure would for me be to build an underwater city in the Marianas trench. There are places there that have never been seen by the eyes of man. To coexist with strange deep water organisms, and to "light it up" with our unlimited supply of money would be awesome. Below is a picture of some of the creatures we would likely find at the bottom of the trench. COOL!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Excell Rocks

Today was one of the coolest classes I ever had in Geo 230. I learned how to actually calculate things in Excell. We calculated the differences of moon crater parameters with area. Sorting is pretty cool as well as the FILL HANDLE

I have no questions.

My Favorite Breakfast food is French Toast with plenty of cinnamon and Powdered Sugar. DELICIOUS!

Friday, October 3, 2008

What instrument I want to play.

Today I really enjoyed learning about Excel and how to simply modify columns/rows ect. Merging cells and formatting text was something that will be useful for years to come.

I have a question about the Test. So how do we plan on preparing for the test? How are we to know the "specific" technical terms of what things are in the software? I feel being tested in this manner is not really how we best apply our knowledge. If I know where things are, and how to do them exactly, I would expect to get full points on the test. Let me know, please.

If I could pick any instrument to learn, Piano would be my first choice because of how needed it is in the church and elsewhere. If I wanted to truly become professional, I would learn how to use my vocal cords. I feel a professional vocal career would be much more beneficial than being a professional at any other instrument. Piano would help in the general things like church, but I feel it would be more fun to vocalize music.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My little brother is the Wierdest

Today the ahh haa moment was clearly the editing toolbar in Adobe Acrobat professional. For some reason I really like editing in Adobe cause it is less problematic than word, its easier to use, it is more customizable, and by far is more useful.

I don't have any questions at all.

My weirdest relative is definately my little brother. Just look at his face and you'll see what I mean . He loves girls at his youthful age and is just a goofy guy all around :) Well I am probably a little weirder than my brother in most respects. :D

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Worst Movie Ever!

Today my ah ha moment was learning options in Word. Truly the program is far more versatile and useful than I thought. When saving a file, and I don't want to include the comments, or editor notes, I learned an awesome trick to eliminate them. When exporting you can tell word to not include any comments or marks made by anyone other than the editor. COOL!

I have a question about calculus, in finding the derivative of exponential functions through use of the quotient and chain rules. My questions don't concern this class, sorry.

The worst movie I have ever seen is BY FAR "Elektra". the show features some lethal ninja woman "Jennifer Garner" gone crazy with sai ninja blade weapons. It is THE MOST CORNY MOVIE IN THE WORLD!!!! Oh my heck! it is so bad! I cannot believe something this bad made it in theaters! I'm laughing just thinking about it and how stupid it was. It gave me a headache watching the most hokey fighting sequences and choreography. SO SO SO BAD! oh man I couldn't even finish it. Go watch it and you'll see for yourself. uhhg SO PATHETICALLY STUPID!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Analysis of a Paragraph in my Proposal

My ah ha moment is the need to write distinct paragraphs with a clear issue, point and discussion

I have no questions but would like to inform you - Adam, that I revised my proposal a bit and have re-emailed it to Thanks

Here is the first paragraph in my proposal.

Historically, sinkholes in North American karstic topography, have both endangered human life and caused significant damage to property. In 2004, the state of Florida alone can claim paying over 25 million dollars in property damage claims from sinkhole subsidence. Sinkholes are geologic features formed by the movement of rock or sediment into voids created by the dissolution of water-soluble rock (Dobecki, 2006). Such voids appear sporadically throughout North American karst, as both natural processes and human activity contribute to such dissolution. This paper proposes to investigate these sinkhole formations and how scientists can quickly detect and remediate these danger zones for the regional benefit to society.

(issue is in italics, Discussion is Regular, point is bold)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What I want to Be when I grow up?

Today I finally understood and applied inserting Hyperlinks. I didn't know how to link a word to a downloadable file but today i did. It was interesting learning the basics of HTML publishing and seeing firsthand that making professional web pages is easier than I thought.

My question concerns what is due Friday. Is it just a paragraph in length?

I want to be someone important. I want to be a faithful husband and father. My professional life will need to support a big family. I am concerned because I don't know exactly who I will become in graduating with a Geology Degree but preferably I want to be a Hydrogeologist, or Petrologist.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Extra Credit - Sans Serif vs Serif Fonts

This is for Extra Credit. I was instructed to inform the teacher why Sans Serif, and Serif Fonts are used, especially in major domain sites like "Google" or "Apple".

I find Google logo's to be of particular interest. Often the Font used differs due to various seasons of the year. Currently the lowercase g in Goo"g"le is a picture of autumn leaves. The normal Google logo not only uses a "serif" font (font where little serif marks are seen at the edges of letters) but they also portray a sequence of attractable colors, namely Red yellow, Blue and Green.

The word "Sans" comes from the French vocabulary and means "without". Sans-Serif Fonts do not have the markings at the ends of the letters. The very appearance of a Sans-Serif Font makes the screen appear more cluttered and less natural. I would prefer using Serif Fonts for improved visibility and readability.

Apple, Google, National Geographic and others use Serif Fonts, to make the logo or text appear more pleasing, more readable and more noticable. Interesting that the very way a Logo appears, can help attract viewers to see the domain site.

Question: Did this fill the requirement for Extra Credit? I did not add the class until after the extra credit option was given. I am a bit unsure of the requirements that you are looking for, but I can honestly say that I did learn much about Sans Serif, and serif Fonts.

Favorite Food

Well today I learned what HTTP stands for:HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE which is a mark up language that uses tags to structure text into headings, paragraphs, lists, and links ect. I had no idea that http:// was like saying "speak this language" to the computer. Cool!

I have 1 question. What is the difference between a gigabit and a gigabyte? Gigabytes are for storage, but are gigabits so called "packages" sent over a network?

My favorite Food is Thai Curry served over steamed Jasmine Rice. Add Mae-Ploy Sauce and I'm in Heaven! In fact that is the very food I am about to eat. Bummer, I forgot a Fork.

This is For Friday the 19th

I thought I allready posted this! anyways, I'll do it again. Today's Ahh Haa Moment was when I learned for the first time what a Dangling Modifier actually is. For years I haven't really known but today was the day I learned.

I have no questions and will try to get the Extra Credit done ASAP

I would prefer to be a superhero that develops his powers, like Ironman, or Batman. It is one thing to be born with kryptonite, but it is entirely another thing to "become" the superhero! I think the coolest superhero is Batman for sure.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Research Paper

I am excited to begin a new research paper. Just the concept of freely choosing whatever perks my interest is awesome. Groundwater is going to be my main subject matter, and how it transports minerals, creates natural springs or even how it forms subterranean....

Whoa! I just had an epiphany! my resaerch paper might very well be on: Detecting early formation of subterranean sinkholes for the prevention of property loss from collapse. (see PIC!!) This Totally interests me!

Check these Pics out!

The Tool I would be is a Computer because I love Technology! (yes this is an assignment jeff)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ben's Biography

Check out My Biography!! HAHA :D

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today's Ahhh Haa moment occurred when I learned how Geologic Boards seriously take proposals. It certainly doesn't sound easy and I feel that in order to be successful in the field you need to know exactly what results you want and what results the entire geologic community as a whole needs.

I have no questions except for doing my research. Is it preferred to just use sources from GeoRef? If so then I'm good to to

My dream Vacation is going to happen in 2015, a family trip to Lake Powell on a Huge Houseboat. It is in 2015 cause by then I will have a family and hopefully some money to spend.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

9-12-08 entry

This is why I missed Class today, Michelle, had a toothache (possibly a cavity), and we rushed to the dentist on extremely short notice. The x-ray machine took it's time as well as the dentist himself. Honest, I sped 10 MPH over on the way there and on the way back, I just couldn't make it back in time. Well I guess things like this happen, when one loves his wife more than Geology 230. Hopefully I can get completely caught up and reviewed before the Test.

My resume has extensive experience in video production, however, to the dismay of some of my other friends I am majoring in Geology. I have always wondered how the 2 disciplines may combine in the future. I love Geology, and I love video production, but I will press toward my Geology BA to have a more extensive background in more than one thing I enjoy.

Today, I learned a valuable lesson: Punctuality yields greater self confidence.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9-10-08 posting

Well, today's Ahh haa moment was surely when i learned that objects, pictures, charts ect in word can be anchored to their original position. Always I have had formatting problems with research papers and they always move down or shift when I hit enter, well NOT ANYMORE!

My only question is this: Adam can you please add my Blog to the Main Geo 230 Blog site so everyone can access the amazing Corrundum Schmundum Blog? Thanks

Prank of the Century: Tape cardboard to cover your friends doorframe, while he is home. Leave a slit in the top and FILL the whole doorframe with popcorn and ring the doorbell. When they open the door, an AVALANCE of Popcorn falls into their house. (idea stolen from my first companion on my mission) haha :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Geology Communications is Sweet

This is what I found most interesting during today's lecture.
-Customizable Tabbing options, now i can tab exactly how far I want to and keep it all aligned.

I just added the class and I am just wondering If there is anything else I missed during week #1

Favorite Scar Story
-Matt Morley, St. George UT, 16 years old, set me down a steep hill, in a box, on a Skateboard after being initially pulled by my 50CC Honda Scooter. My velocity at the top of the hill caused an ever increase in speed near the middle of the hill. Something called "speed wobble" crept under my wheels, and Whoooaa WOOOAA AHHHH CRASH!!!!!! Bouncing to a stop from going 30 MPH left a dark, rocky, asphault engrained raspberry on my right elbow. Still there to this day, is this, my favorite scar.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Well this is my first Blog. Since I am new to this whole thing, don't expect much. I don't plan on being addicted to this as much as I was addicted to Facebook. It's my silly friend Jeff Olsen that keeps pestering me about getting a Blog. Well now that I'm finally on, I guess I will post a recent video of mine. Enjoy!!!
DIE JEFF! (This is how we say Hello to each other)