Monday, September 22, 2008

Extra Credit - Sans Serif vs Serif Fonts

This is for Extra Credit. I was instructed to inform the teacher why Sans Serif, and Serif Fonts are used, especially in major domain sites like "Google" or "Apple".

I find Google logo's to be of particular interest. Often the Font used differs due to various seasons of the year. Currently the lowercase g in Goo"g"le is a picture of autumn leaves. The normal Google logo not only uses a "serif" font (font where little serif marks are seen at the edges of letters) but they also portray a sequence of attractable colors, namely Red yellow, Blue and Green.

The word "Sans" comes from the French vocabulary and means "without". Sans-Serif Fonts do not have the markings at the ends of the letters. The very appearance of a Sans-Serif Font makes the screen appear more cluttered and less natural. I would prefer using Serif Fonts for improved visibility and readability.

Apple, Google, National Geographic and others use Serif Fonts, to make the logo or text appear more pleasing, more readable and more noticable. Interesting that the very way a Logo appears, can help attract viewers to see the domain site.

Question: Did this fill the requirement for Extra Credit? I did not add the class until after the extra credit option was given. I am a bit unsure of the requirements that you are looking for, but I can honestly say that I did learn much about Sans Serif, and serif Fonts.

1 comment:

Jeff Olsen said...

what class are you taking?