Friday, October 24, 2008


My favorite tool I learned about was the AUTOMERGE tool! oh my heck this is so so useful, I loved learning about this, I have no questions and when I was a kid I had a graveyard superstition. My friend and I held our breath when we crossed the graveyard on the bus. one day I poked him and he blew snot all in his hands!

Here is the Assignment #8 with before and after photos

Tool’s Used - Clone Tool (missing backpack, missing person – see photo comparisons), MANUAL photo merge process took the following: Transform tool, crop tool, warp tool, eraser tool, burn tool, dodge tool. Opacity adjustments ect. I adjusted levels, by using the adjustment>layers pallet. I got rid of the hazy look.

Here is also Friday's Mini Assignment. I after manual merging, I used several tools to replace the sky, including transform tool, eraser, marquee tool, selection tool, move tool, and level adjustment tools. It looks much different from the original 2 photos. See for yourself!

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